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modeling methodology中文是什么意思

用"modeling methodology"造句"modeling methodology"怎么读"modeling methodology" in a sentence


  • 模型建立的方法论


  • 2 the modeling methodologies to implement distributed pdms
  • The modeling methodologies of these models are also discussed
  • Modeling methodology of dynamic and re - configurable enterprise information system
  • Dynamic modeling methodology for a tripod - based parallel machine tool
  • A bit of a maverick on design , he is moving to more modern modeling methodologies like uml
    他的设计标新立异,现在他正在研究更时髦的建模方法,如uml 。
  • A scientific and effective modeling methodology is the driportan part to design an integraed ichrmation system
  • The extension of network modeling methodology proposed in this section will have impact beyond the realm of the current internet
  • Most modeling methodologies are built on a visual language such as uml , entity - relationships , or flow charts
    多数建模方法都建立在可视化语言的基础上,如uml 、实体-关系图或者流程图。
  • The thesis uses missile system - of - systems combat simulation as the application background and focuses on the research of modeling and experimentation of system - of - systems combat simulation . the contents are summarized into the following parts : ( 1 ) after analyzing the problems of simulation model specification in the field of missile system - of - systems combat simulation application , the hierarchical description and composition method based on system - of - systems , entity and behavior is proposed as the modeling methodology of system - of - systems combat simulation , which is seb composable modeling methodology . then , the reference model of seb methodology and the modeling reference view of various hierarchies are discussed
    论文以导弹体系对抗仿真为应用背景,重点研究体系对抗仿真中的建模和实验问题,具体研究内容包括: ( 1 )面向导弹体系对抗仿真应用,分析体系对抗仿真模型描述中存在的主要问题,提出体系-实体-行为的分层次组合描述方法,作为体系对抗仿真的建模方法,即seb组合建模方法,并给出其参考模型和各个层次建模的参考视图。
  • This thesis aims to explore new technology and methodology emerging in enterprise ' s knowledgeable employee management sector in a so - called knowledge economy environment . modeling methodology of both physics and mathematics is introduced to establish the two major models and other evolved models . they represent a new view with systematic , vivid and flexible models , referring to the most up - to - date works in knowledge management and knowledgeable talent management sectors
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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